A statement, a declaration, a call to individuals and business owners to be found in their business and career.

Be Found is for business owners and individuals who have reached a critical juncture in their personal, business or professional growth. We facilitate unique, impactful and experiential workshops for those interested in enhancing and repositioning their purpose and strength.

When did you last put time aside to dream again? Who told you there wasn’t more ahead?

Find your fire again! Your Purpose, Strength and Focus for the future!

Message from our founder

Tom Teelow – Founder & Lead Coach

My Background

I have been part of some of the largest, most complex, high-profile organisations in Queensland. In 2016 I began to specialise in Organisational Development, Change Management, People Strategy and Planning. I have spent time developing strategy for large, medium, and small business.

I am not an ex CEO turned consultant… I am committed to evidence based, organisational development informed practice. The workshops and tools I use have been piloted 100+ times and I know what we do at Be Found works, it makes a difference.

The Beginning

Be Found started in 2016 when my mate asked me for help with his business plan. His business  was growing quickly and he was really keen to future proof and grow sustainably.

At the time I was facilitating workshops for leaders of large teams of 500+. I used the same methodology and tailored a workshop for my mate and his wife who was also working in his business.

We walked out with a solid 12 month plan and some key steps on how to achieve it.

What is BE FOUND?

I’ve just always been open to having an epiphany. Some call it the AHA moment. I call it a Be Found moment. That moment where everything seems to fade away, the noise, the small stuff. That which was distant and dark suddenly becomes clear. Whether it was an idea, a solution, many times it has been a finding of my purpose and my strength to carry on.

To me doing business, work, or life without experiencing the ‘moments that matter’ is dry, boring – the desert.

I’m committed to finding the fire. To BE FND in my business, my career all that I do. 

Purpose, Strength, Focus.

Schedule A Catch-Up

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